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Marching on...
I do love emptying the washing machine and showering myself in a snowfall of wet tissue. I know I checked the pockets before doing the...
The Best Sporting Odds
Over here in England (well, Europe, technically), it’s currently the Six Nations rugby tournament. Rugby’s a bit like American football,...
Love is...
Yup. It’s that abhorrent time of year again. As if February in the northern hemisphere isn’t bad enough already, cue a Pinterest account...
Sink or Swim
My Nan sleeps with a picture of my Grandad by her bed. She kisses him goodnight every evening. My Nan is 81, and my Grandad died nearly...
Shingle Bells
I’ve never fainted before. I’ve always had a bit of a sadistic want to know what fainting is like, and at the end of the December term, I...
Men are like buses...
Really? REALLY?? Who makes these ridiculous phrases up? On Thursday morning my bus was 15 minutes late, and then arrived as part of...
Sweet Dreams, Sour Mornings
I can’t be the only person who does this. In fact, I’m sure I’ve read that there have been studies regarding this very phenomenon. But I...
The Doggie To-Do(Doo)
There are a few downsides to owning a dog. They certainly don’t outweigh the upsides, but waking up in the morning would be slightly more...
But Will You Love Me Tomorrow?
I’ve just returned from my annual pilgrimage to the West End – London’s equivalent to Broadway –, my Mecca. One of the three shows I...
Clang, Clang, Clang went the Trolley
Last week I had an unscheduled public workout. I have sorely neglected my gym membership for months, and so I wasn’t properly prepared...
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