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Stay In The Know:
Making the Cut (3)
So in a feat of unprecedented strength and mastery on my part (and perhaps a little belonging to the tools), the garden had been tamed...
Making the Cut (2)
It was 9:30am. The gleaming strimmer and mower stood expectant in front of me. In contrast, the forest of 6-foot-tall dandelions stood...
Making the Cut (1)
This summer I discovered my inner warrior and unleashed an all-out war. No, I didn’t get in touch with the ex. No, I didn’t trample small...
The 'Hair' Apparent
I love the 80s as much as the next person. I may only have been a kid back then, but I rocked my legwarmers and shoulderpads with the...
Love Me, Love My Dog
Whilst binning a forlorn looking bunch of rotting tulips last week I found myself bemoaning the fact that a man hasn’t bought me flowers...
What's in a Name?
I finally changed my name. No, I did not opt for Princess Consuela Bananahammock. My divorce may have come through in September 2011, but...
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Someone Blue
I have a new preferred method of self-torture… I’m addicted to wedding dress programmes. You know the ones: a bride-to-be and her...
Boxers and Boobs
Being single and childless at 37 isn’t exactly what I’d planned. But here I am: divorcee, recently out of a second long-term...
Mum's the Word
My mum isn’t a massive fan of this blog. She thinks she gets a bad rap a lot of the time. But more significantly, she gets upset that I...
Food, Glorious Food
I have always suffered from this particular bugbear. It’s a huge societal double standard, and I don’t think it exists only in my head:...
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