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Stay In The Know:
The Clean Sheet Shuffle
I love clean sheet day. Who doesn’t? There’s something about cold, crisp linen on the bed which induces greater comfort and a more...
Cleanliness is next to... impossible
Back in my other life I used to have cleaners. A lovely elderly couple would visit my house once a week for two hours and conduct a sweep...
Sick of Being Single
I’m sick. Poorly sick. The kind of sick that has me wanting to be wrapped in multiple hoodies one minute and wearing a bikini the next....
High Heels and Hills
So I had a 3rd date with a chap I really like. I mean really like. And I made the most rookie of all errors: buoyed by excitement and an...
Wrinkles, Revelations and Wedding Rings (well, I can dream…)
I am at a point where I can no longer deny that I am aging. My skin is no longer bouncy and elasticated. I find this a minor trauma. Ok,...
The Ongoing Saga of the Second Date
So I have a new superhero identity. I have been newly christened the One Date Wonder. There’s a mask, a cape and everything. It turns out...
It's Not Easy Being Ginge
Kermit actually has no idea how easy he has it. “It’s not easy being green”?? Try being ginger my froggy friend. Then you’ll have...
Scrabbling for a Boyfriend
I’ve found a new form of online dating. It’s free and it’s foolproof. Kind of. I’m playing scrabble. Yup. It’s no longer just for...
Reversing the gender divide. Or not.
This week the reverse light on my car failed. I am a terrible driver. Well, I’m not a complete disaster; I’ve not written off any of my...
Running on Faith
Monday, Wednesday and Friday are gym days. Most weeks. Well, ok, some weeks. I was pretty good when I first moved to Bath. I was full of...
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